About me

A creative circus heart with a love for digital communication, graphic design and illustration.

I love using my broad creative skills and knowledge to make a difference. I also have a passion for branding and strive for creative cohesion!

Design process

Insight into how my design process works. 

two coffee cups on a wooden table. one cup is red one cup is green. the cappuccinos have heart shaped latte art on them.


I want to create a perfect solution just for you. Therefore, I need a clear picture of what exactly you are looking for. We talk, maybe over a digital cup of coffee, and then I find a starting point for our project. ​

picture taken of a hand holding a pen in process of writing on a paper. the person is wearing a white cardigan and the pen is blue.


Ideas start to take shape. To further define and understand your vision, I create a couple of concepts that we review together. This phase gives us a stable foundation for the remaining project time! ​

water color drawing of flowers and leaves in vibrant colors, red yellow and green.


In this phase we fine-tune the ideas from the exploration phase. By reviewing what works well, but also less well, gives an even clearer direction for how we want to develop the project or design. We discuss your thoughts and preferences, and then work further with them. ​

illustration of cartoon style ocean floor for Seatrients website and custom graphics, made by Vega Reimer.


Our project is now a finished product! And you get to see how the initial ideas have been shaped and grown into something bigger. Now we celebrate, and your files are delivered! ​

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